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"Worm Moon" Ketamine Ceremony
with Dr. Maysa + Thomas Clay     3/25 6-930p

Whether you're a DUNE fan or have no idea what that means, you're welcome to join us for this very special night: the first full moon of spring known as the "Worm Moon"

An evening of breathwork, meditation and intramuscular ketamine set to an immersive sonic journey with Thomas Clay. Group integration and light snacks and refreshments to follow.


DUNE inspired comfortable ceremony dress encouraged.

Limited spots available. This event is for established ketamine clients of the practice. To become a client reach out to

About Thomas Clay

Sound Weaver, Musician, Guide

Thomas Clay has been a weaver of sounds ever since he was a child, playing pots and pans from kitchen cabinets as makeshift drums.  He went to NYU where he received a Bachelor of Music, then proceeded west to Los Angeles where he enjoyed a career as a music producer, songwriter and artist. After working with artists from the electronic space such as Slander and Crankdat, and writing music for Mazda, MTV, and more, Thomas decided to turns his efforts to new realms.



After attending a 7-day retreat training with renowned ethnomusicologist, sound therapist & sound facilitator Alexandre Tannous, Thomas traded in his electric guitar and synths for a gong, singing bowls, and chimes. He began facilitating sound journeys for people, and quickly found that his years as a drummer, percussionist, DJ and producer allowed him to keep a conscious rhythm pulsing through the entire experience. Painstaking care is given to crafting textural sonic landscapes which embrace both spaciousness and sophistication.


Clay is always seeking to expand his skillset. He has trained to become an IFS (Internal Family Systems) guide through the Moxie School, and is also a certified facilitator in Masculine Embodiment (via Amir Khalighi-- embodiment coach & the founder of Embodied Masculine). Additionally, Clay has trained in Human Biofield Tuning and recently attended a retreat to become a trained Breathwave facilitator (a style of conscious connected breathwork).

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